Happy Easter (and more!)

Happy Easter, everyone! ✝✝✝

You probably know I’m a Christian. As a Christian, I celebrate Easter as the time of Jesus’s resurrection.

If you believe in the Easter Bunny, it’s your choice to read from here to the next bold part, but you’ve been warned!

Okay, I don’t believe in the Easter Bunny. I did when I was very little. I don’t believe in Santa or ghosts either. I do celebrate both holidays. Yes, I celebrate Halloween as a Christian…More bout that later! Our family doesn’t even do Easter baskets. Yup, you heard me. We get chocolate, but the whole, I don’t​ know, “pagan” traditions are something we just don’t do. We aren’t objected to people who do, though. 

     I do believe that Jesus was crucified and then rose on the third day, as the Bible says. Do you?

Kay, it’s safe!


Happy Easter!!!!

 Okay, yesterday I promised a winner of the new blog thing!

I will highlight the letters (in order) in the following part of the post. Which will be my political standpoint. *No, that’s not the blog name*I went ahead and used the theme from one of their blogs as mine, and it’s a great one!

I have no political party *yet* (democrat, republican) I support Trump In some ways, not in others. I have mixed opinions on the whole Syria bombing thing. I am glad that Obamacare is no more. I hate this unbelievable conflict between genders. *That’s right, it will be called Messy Bun! I’m so happy and thankful to Samantha for suggesting the name (well, she said the girl with a messy bun but that’s the same thing… Sorta). …And the theme, truly minimal. I do love it A Lot! I will unveil the website as soon as it’s ready!* …I hate this whole women’s rights thing. Yes, I believe we should not be held below men, but the riots, really? I believe we should just all have the same rights, bathroom policies aside. I found this great video to share with you soon. It’s great.

All that aside,

Happy Easter! We painted these animals a while ago!

Remember, HE is risen!!!


14 thoughts on “Happy Easter (and more!)

  1. I think both parties are bad; any person in power is evil. Yeah, the whole Assyria thing was weird. We celebrate Passover cause that’s what Jesus(Yeshua) celebrated😊

